Well, we have a new PM elect in Dave, and his new chum Nick at his side. Well Nick, I am sure I wont be the only Lib Dem voter who is dismayed and disappointed by your actions... As I said before, Power corrupts.
I will be emailing Mark Hunter to tell him that he has lost my support, and in future I will not be voting tactically again. My grandmother was a Labour Party activist in the 1920s, she hated Thatcher ("that Bi*@h Thatcher" is how she referred to Maggie), and I have to say that when I drive through the old Coal Mining areas I look at the devastation she wrought and wonder how people can think that the Tories are the new way forward.
I wonder what the mothers who lose their Tax Credits, and the people in the North East who lose their jobs in the public sector will be thinking in 6 months time.
Best start to save the pennies, I have a feeling we will all need them soon.....
Modelling progress continues to tick over, with lots of items in the paint
boxes and one of the baseboards set up up downstairs so some scenery can be
5 days ago
Well I completely agree with you on this one - we do not always agree on a number of issues.It's all jobs for the boys. Gideon, sorry, George has not got a clue. I would not send him to the shops for a loaf of bread and expect him to come back with the correct change.